by 鄭祥瑞_Raymond Cheng | Mar 13, 2017 | Article, News, Patent
有關第096127389號「偏壓校正單元及電源供應器」發明專利申請事件(103年度行專訴字第114號)(判決日:104.9.17) 爭議標的:進步性 系爭專利:「偏壓校正單元及電源供應器」發明專利 相關法條:專利法(102年法)第22條第2項規定 判決主文:(1)訴願決定及原處分均撤銷;(2)准予發明專利之審定;(3)訴訟費用由被告負擔 原訴:原處分及決定均撤銷、更為核准註冊之審定 變更之訴:原處分及訴願決定均撤銷、被告應就第096127389號為準與專利之審定 系爭專利之背景: 【判決摘錄】 一、...
by 黃嘉美_Jamie Huang | Feb 23, 2017 | Article, News
Companies work with contract manufacturers to achieve cost efficiency. However, when your contract manufacturer’s interests do not align with your own, this relationship can become a nightmare and may even cost you your intellectual property rights. A foreign company...